
Maff, Jennie, Audrey and Squirrel 23rd March 2020

I have lots of great memories of nan, but there's one I've always remembered and always will. I was probably about 10 years old and managed to spill something nasty on nan and grandad's kitchen floor. Most people may have acted in frustration or anger, but I just remember nan calmly telling me 'not to worry', that 'accidents happen', and that 'everything was alright'. This was a small thing, but something that I've always remembered. Nan, in that moment (and in so many others) was always a great example of how to be a human being. Nan, you continue to be a great source of inspiration to me and everyone who's lives you touched. And thanks for all the tea and biscuits! Lot's of love, your grandson, Maff x